Innovax-ND-ILT Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


intervet international b.v. - cell-associated live recombinant turkey herpesvirus (strain hvt/ndv/ilt) expressing the fusion protein of newcastle disease virus and the glycoproteins gd and gi of infectious laryngotracheitis virus - immunoloġiċi għall-għasafar - embryonated chicken eggs; chicken - for active immunisation of one-day-old chicks or embryonated chicken eggs:to reduce mortality and clinical signs caused by newcastle disease (nd) virus,to reduce mortality, clinical signs and lesions caused by avian infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) virus and marek’s disease (md) virus.

Mylotarg Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


pfizer europe ma eeig - gemtuzumab ozogamicin - lewkimja, mijelojda, akuta - aġenti antineoplastiċi - mylotarg huwa indikat għal terapija kkombinata b'daunorubicin (dnr) u cytarabine (arac) għall-kura ta ' pazjenti età 15-il sena u aktar li ma ġietx ikkurata qabel, de novo cd33 pożittivi għall-lewkimja majelojde akuta (aml), ħlief-lewkimja promijeloċitika akuta (apl).

Daptomycin Hospira Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

daptomycin hospira

pfizer europe ma eeig - daptomycin - soft tissue infections; skin diseases, bacterial - antibatteriċi għal użu sistemiku, - daptomycin huwa indikat għall-kura ta ' l-infezzjonijiet li ġejjin. adulti u pedjatriċi (1-17-il sena) ta ' pazjenti b'infezzjonijiet ikkumplikati tal-ġilda u tat-tessuti rotob (cssti). pazjenti adulti bi dritt naħat endokardite infettiva (rie) minn staphylococcus aureus. dan isrecommended li d-deċiżjoni li jintuża daptomycin għandha tieħu in kunsiderazzjoni l-suxxettibilità antibatterika ta 'l-organiżmu u għandha tkun ibbażata fuq parir ta' espert. adulti u pedjatriċi (1-17-il sena) il-pazjenti bil-batterimja minn staphylococcus aureus (sab). fl-adulti, l-użu fl-batterimja għandha tkun assoċjata ma 'rie jew ma' cssti, filwaqt li fil-pazjenti pedjatriċi, l-użu fl-batterimja għandu jkun assoċjat ma ' cssti. daptomycin huwa attiv kontra batteri gram posittivi biss. imħallat ta 'l-infezzjonijiet fejn gram negattivi u/jew ċerti tipi ta' batterji anerobiċi huma suspettati, daptomycin għandu jingħata flimkien ma ' sustanza anti batterjali xierqa(i). għandha tingħata kunsiderazzjoni għall-gwida uffiċjali dwar l-użu xieraq ta ' sustanzi antibatteriċi.

Dicural Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


pfizer limited - difloxacin - antibatteriċi għal użu sistemiku, antiinfectives għall-użu sistemiku - turkeys; dogs; cattle; chicken - tiġieġ:għat-trattament ta 'infezzjonijiet kroniċi respiratorji kkawżati minn strejns sensittivi ta' eschericia coli u mycoplasma gallisepticum. dundjani: għall-kura ta 'infezzjonijiet respiratorji kroniċi kkawżati minn razez sensittivi ta' escherichia coli u mycoplasma gallisepticum. ukoll għat-trattament ta 'infezzjonijiet ikkawżati minn pasteurella multocida. klieb: għat-trattament ta 'infezzjonijiet akuti mhux ikkomplikati ta' l-apparat urinarju kkawżati minn escherichia coli jew staphylococcus spp. u pyoderma superfiċjali kkawżata minn staphylococcus intermedius. baqar:għat-trattament tal-marda respiratorja bovina (shipping fever, pnewmonja fl-għoġliet) kkawżata minn doża waħda jew infezzjonijiet imħalta ma ' pasteurella haemolytica, pasteurella multocida, u / jew mycoplasma spp.

Tasmar Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


viatris healthcare limited - tolcapone - marda ta 'parkinson - kontra l-marda ta ' parkinson id-drogi, aġenti dopaminerġiċi oħra - tasmar hija indikata fil kombinazzjoni ma ' ticlopidine hydrochloride / benserazide jew ticlopidine hydrochloride / carbidopa għall-użu fil-pazjenti ma ticlopidine hydrochloride-responsivi idiopathic parkinson's marda u oxxillazzjonijiet vetturi bil-mutur, li naqas milli jirrispondi għal jew huma intolerant ta ' xulxin inibituri ta ' catechol-o-methyltransferase (comt). minħabba r-riskju ta potenzjalment fatali, ħsara fil-fwied akut, tasmar ma għandhomx jiġu kkunsidrati bħala l-ewwel linja ta 'trattament miżjud ma' levodopa / benserazide jew levodopa / carbidopa. peress li tasmar għandu jiġi użat biss flimkien ma 'levodopa / benserazide u b'levodopa / carbidopa, l-tagħrif preskritt individwalment għal dawn l-sustanzi ta' levodopa hija applikabbli għall-użu tagħhom flimkien ma ' tasmar.

Oxbryta Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


pfizer europe ma eeig  - voxelotor - anemia; anemia, hemolytic; anemia, sickle cell - other hematological agents - oxbryta is indicated for the treatment of haemolytic anaemia due to sickle cell disease (scd) in adults and paediatric patients 12 years of age and older as monotherapy or in combination with hydroxycarbamide.

Clopidogrel Viatris (previously Clopidogrel Taw Pharma) Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

clopidogrel viatris (previously clopidogrel taw pharma)

viatris limited - clopidogrel besilate - peripheral vascular diseases; stroke; myocardial infarction - aġenti antitrombotiċi - secondary prevention of atherothrombotic events clopidogrel is indicated in:adult patients suffering from myocardial infarction (from a few days until less than 35 days), ischemic stroke (from 7 days until less than 6 months) or established peripheral arterial disease. adult patients suffering from acute coronary syndrome. non-st segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (unstable angina or non-q-wave myocardial infarction), including patients undergoing a stent placement following percutaneous coronary intervention, in combination with acetylsalicylic acid (asa). elevazzjoni tas-segment st infart mijokardijaku akut, flimkien ma ' asa f'medikament pazjenti kkurati b'eliġibbli għat-terapija trombolitika. in patients with moderate to high-risk transient ischaemic attack (tia) or minor ischaemic stroke (is) clopidogrel in combination with asa is indicated in:adult patients with moderate to high-risk tia (abcd2 score ≥4) or minor is (nihss ≤3) within 24 hours of either the tia or is event. prevention of atherothrombotic and thromboembolic events in atrial fibrillation:in adult patients with atrial fibrillation who have at least one risk factor for vascular events, are not suitable for treatment with vitamin k antagonists (vka) and who have a low bleeding risk, clopidogrel is indicated in combination with asa for the prevention of atherothrombotic and thromboembolic events, including stroke. għall-aktar informazzjoni jekk jogħġbok irreferi għal sezzjoni 5.

Clopidogrel / Acetylsalicylic acid Mylan Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

clopidogrel / acetylsalicylic acid mylan

mylan pharmaceuticals limited - acetylsalicylic acid, clopidogrel hydrogen sulfate - acute coronary syndrome; myocardial infarction - aġenti antitrombotiċi - clopidogrel/acetylsalicylic acid mylan huwa indikat għall-prevenzjoni sekondarja ta ' avvenimenti aterotrombotiċi f'pazjenti adulti li diġà qed jieħdu ż-żewġ clopidogrel u acetylsalicylic acid (asa). clopidogrel/acetylsalicylic acid mylan huwa kombinazzjoni b'doża fissa tal-prodott mediċinali għall-kontinwazzjoni tat-terapija:mhux elevazzjoni tas-segment st sindromu koronarju akut (anġina instabbli jew mhux-mewġa-q infart mijokardijaku) li jinkludu pazjenti fi proċess li titpoġġa stent wara koronarju perkutanju interventionst elevazzjoni tas-segment infart mijokardijaku akut fil-medikament pazjenti kkurati b'eliġibbli għat-terapija trombolitika.

Comirnaty Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


biontech manufacturing gmbh - single-stranded, 5’-capped messenger rna produced using a cell-free in vitro transcription from the corresponding dna templates, encoding the viral spike (s) protein of sars-cov-2 - covid-19 virus infection - vaċċini - comirnaty 30 micrograms/dose concentrate for dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in individuals 12 years of age and older.  comirnaty 30 micrograms/dose dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in individuals 12 years of age and older.  comirnaty 10 micrograms/dose concentrate for dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in children aged 5 to 11 years.  comirnaty 3 micrograms/dose concentrate for dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in infants and children aged 6 months to 4 years.  comirnaty original/omicron ba. 1 (15/15 micrograms)/dose dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in individuals 12 years of age and older who have previously received at least a primary vaccination course against covid-19. comirnaty original/omicron ba. 4-5 (15/15 micrograms)/dose dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in individuals 12 years of age and older. comirnaty original/omicron ba. 4-5 (5/5 micrograms)/dose concentrate for dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in children aged 5 to 11 years. comirnaty original/omicron ba. 4-5 (5/5 micrograms)/dose dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in children aged 5 to 11 years.  comirnaty original/omicron ba. 4-5 (1. 5/1. 5 micrograms)/dose concentrate for dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in infants and children aged 6 months to 4 years.  comirnaty omicron xbb. 5 30 micrograms/dose dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in individuals 12 years of age and older. comirnaty omicron xbb. 5 10 micrograms/dose concentrate for dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in children aged 5 to 11 years. comirnaty omicron xbb. 5 10 micrograms/dose dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in children aged 5 to 11 years. comirnaty omicron xbb. 5 3 micrograms/dose concentrate for dispersion for injection is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2, in infants and children aged 6 months to 4 years. l-użu ta ' dan il-vaċċin għandha tkun skond ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet uffiċjali.

Spikevax (previously COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna) Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

spikevax (previously covid-19 vaccine moderna)

moderna biotech spain, s.l. - single-stranded, 5’-capped messenger rna (mrna) produced using a cell-free in vitro transcription from the corresponding dna templates, encoding the viral spike (s) protein of sars-cov-2 - covid-19 virus infection - vaċċini - spikevax is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2 in individuals 6 months of age and older. spikevax bivalent original/omicron ba. 1 is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2 in individuals 6 years of age and older who have previously received at least a primary vaccination course against covid-19. spikevax bivalent original/omicron ba. 4-5 is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2 in individuals 6 months of age and older.  spikevax xbb. 5 is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid 19 caused by sars-cov-2 in individuals 6 months of age and older. the use of this vaccine should be in accordance with official recommendations.